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2024 Wildlife Photography Contest and Online Auction

September 22 - November 1

Brown Insect

Save wildlife with the power of photography

Join us in supporting our inaugural Wildlife Photography Contest, beginning on the Autumn Equinox and ending on World Ecology Day. This fundraising initiative will showcase the raw beauty of nature and the importance of conservation through the lens of those who cherish it the most. This virtual contest, complemented by an online silent auction, uses the power of photography to educate and inspire action towards conservation. The top 12 photographs will be immortalized in our 2025 calendar, serving as a testament to the beauty we strive to protect and the collective effort to ensure a diverse and inclusive future in conservation.


Amateur - $250

Professional - $250

Youth - $100

Polar Bears

Become a Corporate Sponsor!

Your company can help our cause for as little as $250. By sponsoring this event, you will gain visibility across our extensive network through social media shoutouts, website features, digital advertising, press releases, and newsletters while championing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of conservation behavior. 

Sponsors must register by October 1, 2024.


Thank you to our Ecosystem Engineer level sponsor

Tekscape Logo Official.jpg

Contest Registration

Complete the form below to enter the 2024 Wildlife Photography Contest. Select the number of photos you wish to enter (you may enter up to 10 photos).
You will receive an email after registering with instructions on how to upload your photo(s).
Click here for contest rules.

Available beginning September 22, 2024

Students or individuals experiencing financial hardship can use

discount code STUDENT for 25% off amateur registration fee.

Contest Judges

Contest Rules

Originality and Copyright

  • All photographs submitted must be original works taken by the entrant.

  • By entering the contest, participants confirm that they are the sole creators and copyright owners of their submitted images.

  • Entries must not infringe on the rights of any other photographer, artist, or individual, and must not contain any copyrighted material owned by third parties unless the entrant has obtained permission.

  • Any entry found to violate these terms will be disqualified from the contest.


  • Open to all amateur and professional photographers ages 18 and up.

    • Amateur photographers are those who made less than 50% of their total income in the previous year from photography.​

    • Professional photographers are those who made at least 50% of their total income in the previous year from photography.

  • Photographers ages 13-17 may enter with the permission of a parent or guardian.

  • Entrants may not enter more than one category (amateur, professional, or youth), but each entrant can submit up to ten (10) photographs.

  • No employee or board member of the Wildlife Research Alliance, Inc. may participate in this contest.

  • No family members of the judges may participate in this contest.

Entry Fees

  • There is a $20 entry fee per photograph for amateur and professional entrants. All proceeds support our conservation and DEI initiatives.

  • Youth entrants may enter for free.

  • Students and those experiencing financial hardship may use discount code STUDENT for 25% off their entry fee.

  • Entry fees are non-refundable.

Submission Guidelines

  • Each entrant may submit up to ten (10) photographs.

  • Photographs must be submitted between 12:00am EST on September 22, 2024, and 11:59pm EST on November 1, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Photographs must be in digital format (JPEG or PNG) and must be no larger than 25MB

  • Photographs must depict wildlife in natural habitat without the presence of human beings. If photographs are taken at a zoo or other facility, they must not contain indicative structures such as fences, troughs, barricades, or non-natural enrichment items (e.g., balls, food dishes, cardboard, etc.).

  • Photos may be of any species, and can be a single individual or multiple, including multiple species.

  • Photos do not have to be recent to qualify.

  • Photos must not be produced or altered using Artificial Intelligence. Minimal post-processing (such as color correction) is allowed. No composite or heavily manipulated images may be submitted. Entrants may be asked to submit the original photograph for verification.

  • Black and white photos are eligible for entry.

Usage Rights

  • By entering the contest, participants grant the Wildlife Research Alliance, Inc. the right to use submitted photographs for promotional and fundraising purposes. Photographers will be credited whenever their work is used.

Ethical Guidelines

  • Photographers must adhere to all local, national, and international laws regarding wildlife and natural areas. This includes obtaining necessary permits for accessing certain locations or photographing certain species.

  • Entrants must avoid causing any harm or distress to animals. No feeding, baiting, or any other forms of manipulation to attract animals for photography are allowed.

  • Do not disturb nesting sites, dens, or any other critical habitats to capture a photograph. The well-being of the subject must always come first.

  • Practice Leave No Trace principles. Ensure that all activities related to photographing wildlife do not degrade or pollute the environment.

  • Avoid using flash photography if it might cause distress to the animal or disrupt its natural behavior, especially at night.

  • Maintain a safe and respectful distance from wildlife at all times. Use appropriate lenses to capture close-up shots without intruding on the animal’s space.


  • The panel of judges will consist of experienced wildlife photographers and conservationists.

  • Photographs will be judged on originality and creativity, technical quality, and impact and storytelling.

  • Judges' decisions are final and binding.

  • Entries will remain anonymous to ensure fair, unbiased judging.


  • Prizes will be awarded for the top photograph in each category (amateur, professional, youth), as well as one people's choice winner to be selected from all entries.

  • Winners will be notified via email by November 15, 2024.

  • The top 12 photographs will be published in the Wildlife Research Alliance's 2025 calendar with credit to the photographers. Selected. photographers may submit a short bio and website to be included with their photo in the calendar.

    • In the event that we do not receive 12 qualified entries, entrants will have the opportunity to submit additional photos, free of charge, to be published in the calendar.​

Questions? Contact us at

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